first of all i would like to thank Allah S.W.T for His mercy and blessing toward us. Greeting and blessing to our Prophet Muhammad S.A.W for his effort to establish Deen Islam and spreading the nur Islam for the grace of mankind in the universe. to my best parents ever, mr & mrs boss, for their willing to sacrifice everything to look me life happily and kicking. not forget, to all my coolest lecturers of Sime-Sirim and Puspatri, Ustaz Safri, Mr Gurdeep, Mr Zaidi, Mr Airuddin, Mr Sazly Shah, Mr Mura, Mr Helmy Basri also to Mr hasriq. to all my superb friends. thanks a lot for sharing everything in 5 months of aggravation and boisterous together. you guys are my inspiration.
yesterday we just finished our convocation together. hope our relationship will last longer. am hope that you guys will be success in your career and life. keep rocking and marching guys. we still have about three weeks to finish. my prays always with you.
yesterday was my day (maybe). its unexpectedly that i got the award for the second runner up of best presenter. I tough that I'm never win anything. just because i'm not so talkative and rarely speak in front of public. in the middle of nowhere, this award is not for me. but dedicated to my presentation group-mates; TITAN. there's a lots of things that I've to learn and rejuvenate.
sorry for my broken English.... :)